- 264 pages
Oxford University Press
25 May 2006
Ray Mears - This is where it all began for me; it’s an absolute classic of its kind.
A fantastic book - I can't praise it enough!
An invaluable reference during my fieldwork!
First published in English in the 1970s,
this book immediately established
itself as an all-time classic. Totally unique in its accessible, down-to-earth
approach and detailed coverage of more than 200 creatures, it is the only book
in print that lets readers determine which animals have passed through the
countryside by examining what they have left behind.
Whether following footprints in mud, sand, or snow; feeding marks on cones,
nuts, trees, and animal remains; homes and hiding places above and below ground;
or feathers, pellets, and droppings, readers are taught how to identify the bird
or mammal that has been before them, aided by hundreds of beautiful, informative
colour photographs, line drawings, and diagrams, and clear descriptions of the
anatomy, behaviour, movement patterns, and habitat of different species.
Quick-reference plate sections compare actual-size prints, pellets, and
droppings for fast identification on the move, covering such diverse wildlife as
the shrew, hedgehog, fox, elk, and bear; the sparrow, kestrel, and eagle owl.
This new edition includes a Foreword by Ray Mears, who has found this book to be
an invaluable point of reference throughout his career.
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