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Badger Baiting Evidence Found

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16 Feb 2006 - BBC News

Warnings that badger baiting could be taking place in Sussex have come from a charity's officers. The Badger Trust said it had uncovered evidence of five incidents in Cowfold, Crowborough and Ashenden. The charity found a dead badger at one site.

Sussex Police said no incidents had been reported, while the RSPCA urged people to report any signs of activity.

The RSPCA said signs included setts being tampered with, or groups of people with dogs acting suspiciously.

Phill Taylor, from the Badger Trust, said: "Damage to setts often involves the barbaric 'sport' of badger baiting despite it being made illegal in 1835.

"Dogs are pitted against a badger which is often partially disabled beforehand with a broken jaw or broken or chained legs. The badger eventually dies a horrific death. This may take place at the sett or badgers may be dug out and taken alive, for baiting elsewhere."

He said that under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 it was illegal to kill badgers or damage their setts even when not occupied.

The charity said that it was not unheard of for £40,000 to change hands in bets in an evening, during badger baiting incidents.

An RSPCA spokeswoman said: "We know that it goes on. It is difficult to catch people in the act and to prove it. If people see signs of it, we urge them to contact us or the police."

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