592 pages
Collins New Naturalist
4 Sep 2006
Oliver Rackham is the only person
with the depth of knowledge to write this book.
Set to be a classic for collectors and general readers
This is the 100th volume of the prestigious "New Naturalist" series, written by
one of Britain's best-known naturalists, explores the significance and history
of woodlands on the British landscape. 'Trees are wildlife just as deer or
primroses are wildlife. Each species has its own agenda and its own interactions
with human activities...' This 100th volume of the "New Naturalist" series
presents a landmark in natural history publishing. Looking at such diverse
evidence as the woods used in buildings and ships, and how woodland has been
portrayed in pictures and photographs, Rackham reconstructs British woodland
through the ages.
Aimed at the non-specialist, "New Naturalist Woodlands"
investigates what woods are and how they function. In lively style, Rackham
takes us through: how woods evolved and how they are managed, the basic botany
(understanding roots, partnerships, longevity, tree-rings), outline of woodland
history, pollen analysis and wildwood, archives of woodland and how to study
them, different types of woodland, the rise and fall of modern forestry.
Illustrated with beautiful colour photographs throughout.
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