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Badgers in the Wild Wood

Badgerland online shop

Content-Type Documentary
Sold as a video which provides all the information necessary about badgers living in a wild wood, you might think you would see a great deal of badger footage. Unless you are exceptionally interested in finding out how a film crew go about the difficult job of trying to make a badger video (!), the first half of the video is best viewed with your finger hovering over the Fast-Forward button on the remote. The second half does have some badger footage, but this was spoiled for us, as the badgers have had to be tricked into remaining in the studio-style lighting by leaving out bread crusts. The badgers were in a wild wood, but they too often looked like they were on a studio set.
Be aware that some of the badger-related footage on this video is also on the the Jewels of the British Countryside video too.
Summary OK if you can pick up a good second-hand copy from eBay. You'd be much better off buying A Badger's Year by Alistair Kilburn instead.
Narrated by Liam Dale
Directed by Liam Dale
Produced by Liam Dale
Running Time 50 minutes
Produced in 2001
Certificate Exempt
Distributor ArtsMagic Ltd
Copyright Owner ArtsMagic Ltd
Catalogue No AT232
Format VHS (PAL)
Front and Cover
Copyright in these images is retained by their owners. Images are shown so you can see what the item looks like or if you need inspiration to create your own original badger artwork.
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