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Jewels of the British Countryside

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Content-Type Documentary
It was hard to find something positive to say about this video. Sold and described as a film which explores Britain's natural treasures, the most prominent picture on the front cover of the video is a badger. Annoyingly, there is a very little badger material on this movie, and much of what little footage there is of badgers is already present on the Badgers in the Wild Wood video, by the same company.
So far as the non-badger footage is concerned, the photography is pleasant enough, but this was spoilt for us by the voice of the narrator which seemed to be intrusive and an order of magnitude too wordy.
Summary We bought it second-hand from eBay, and watched it once, so the 99p purchase price was not a total waste of money.
Narrated by Liam Dale
Directed by Liam Dale
Produced by Liam Dale
Running Time 55 minutes
Produced in 2001
Certificate Universal
Distributor Laser Light Video
Copyright Owner Delta Music plc
Catalogue No 80906
Format VHS (PAL)
Front and Cover
Copyright in these images is retained by their owners. Images are shown so you can see what the item looks like or if you need inspiration to create your own original badger artwork.
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