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Video Covers

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Here are the covers of some well-known badger videos. Many of these videos have long been out of print, and the only places you will be able to find them is in second-hand shops or on the internet.
Link Factual or Fictional In Print Recommendation
A Badger's Year by Alistair Kilburn Factual In Print 5-Stars
Blame it on the Badger Factual Out-of-Print
Badgers in the Wild Wood Factual In Print 1-Stars
Jewels of the British Countryside Factual Out-of-Print
Badger in the Basement Fictional In Print 3-Stars
The Tale of Mr Tod by Beatrix Potter Fictional In Print 3-Stars
Badgers in my Kitchen by Pauline Kidner Factual In Print 5-Stars
Johnny Kingdom's Badgerwatch Factual Out-of-Print 3-Stars
Brockside by Simon King Factual Out-of-Print 4-Stars
Discovering Animals by Tony Soper Factual Out-of-Print 3-Stars
Peter Sealy's Somerset Wildlife Factual Out-of-Print 2-Stars

If you are looking for any second-hand Wildlife DVDs or Wildlife Videos, a good place to start is the eBay web site.

Follow this Badgers (on Video or DVD) link to the eBay web-site (or click see the advertisement on this page, and do a search for "Badger* Video*" or "Badger* DVD*" to see if any of these are for sale. It is also possible to setup a "Favourites" search, so that eBay will email you if any-one is selling any Badgers (on Video or DVD).