Badger Encounters in the Wild book |
book of Jim Crumley's encounters with badgers in the wild in Scotland. The quality of the writing is superb.
A great read. Click here to buy:
Encounters in the wild
The book includes the following pictures: Badgerland badgers,
books, words, reading lamp. muse, city-scapes, arrows, trees,
music, castles, flowers, spaceships, giraffes, beach-scenes,
lighthouses, towers of books, star books, cherries, flamingos,
pyramids, sailing, abstract trees, owl in a tree, desert scene,
mad dog, quill, flowers, more flowers, flying books and forest
The booklet is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. To read
this you will need the free Acrobat reader software (on
or on almost any Cover CD with a good computer magazine).
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